缩写 | 全称 | 译名 |
BoED | Book of Exalted Deeds | 崇善之书 |
MH | Miniatures Handbook | 模型手册 |
CW | Complete Warrior | 完美战力 |
Dra | Draconomicon | 巨龙之书 |
UA | Unearthed Arcana | 破译奥秘 |
XPH | Expanded Psionics Handbook | 扩展灵能手册 |
PlH | Planar Handbook | 位面手册 |
CD | Complete Divine | 完美神力 |
RoS | Races of Stone | 石之族裔 |
Frost | Frostburn | 霜燃之书 |
MM3 | Monster ManualIII | 怪物图鉴3 |
LM | Libris Mortis: The Book of Undead | 死灵之书 |
CA | Complete Arcane | 完美奥术 |
RoD | Races of Destiny | 天命族裔 |
CAdv | Complete Adventurer | 完美冒险 |
Sand | Sandstorm | 沙暴之书 |
RotW | Races of the Wild | 荒野族裔 |
LoM | Lords of Madness: The Book of Aberrations | 异怪之书 |
HoB | Heroes of Battle | 战地英雄 |
DMG2 | Dungeon Master's Guide II | 城主指南2 |
Storm | Stormwrack | 风暴之书 |
WoL | Weapons of Legacy | 传古武器 |
MoI | Magic of Incarnum | 魂之魔法 |
HoH | Heroes of Horror | 恐惧英雄 |
SpC | Spell Compendium | 万法大全 |
RotD | Races of the Dragon | 龙之族裔 |
ToM | Tome of Magic: Pact, Shadow, and Truename Magic | 魔法卷册 |
CP | Complete Psionic | 完美灵能 |
PHB2 | Player's Handbook II | 玩家手册2 |
FC1 | Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss | 魔族法典1:深渊堕群 |
MM4 | Monster Manual IV | 怪物图鉴4 |
ToB | Tome of Battle: The Book of Nine Swords | 战斗卷册 |
DrM | Dragon Magic | 龙之魔法 |
Cityscape | Cityscape | 城市风光 |
CM | Complete Mage | 完美巫师 |
FC2 | Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells | 魔族法典2:九狱君王 |
Dungeons | Dungeonscape | 地城风光 |
CS | Complete Scoundrel | 完美流氓 |
MIC | Magic Item Compendium | 万物大全 |
CC | Complete Champion | 完美斗士 |
DotU | Drow of the Underdark | 幽暗地域的卓尔 |
MM5 | Monster Manual V | 怪物图鉴5 |
EoE | Exemplars of Evil | 魔道典范 |
RC | Rules Compendium | 万律大全 |
EE | Elder Evils | 上古邪物 |
RoF | Races of Faerun | 费伦的种族 03.3 |
UE | Unaproachable East | 绝境东域 03.5 |
Und | Underdark | 幽暗地域 03.11 |
PGtF | Player's Guide to Faerun | 费伦玩家手册 04.3 |
SK | Serpent Kingdoms | 巨蛇王国 04.7 |
ShS | Shiningsouth | 光辉南方 04.11 |
LEoF | Lost Empires of Faerun | 费伦的失落帝国 05.2 |
CoR | Champions of Ruin | 废墟勇士 05.5 |
Waterdeep | Waterdeep: City of Splendors | 深水城:光辉之城 05.7 |
CoV | Champions of Valor | 荣光勇士 05.11 |
PoF | PowerofFaerun | 费伦的势力 06.3 |
mom | Mysteries of the Moonsea | 月海之秘 06.6 |
DoF | Dragons of Faerun | 费伦的巨龙 06.8 |
ECS | Eberron Campaign Setting | 艾伯伦战役设定集 04.6 |
Sharn | Sharn: City of Towers | 夏恩:众塔之城 04.11 |
RoE | Races of Eberron | 艾伯伦的种族 04.4 |
FN | Five Nations | 五国 0.75 |
Explore | Explorer's Handbook | 探险家手册 05.8 |
MoE | Magic of Eberron | 艾伯伦的魔法 05.11 |
PGtE | Players Guide to Eberron | 艾伯伦玩家手册 06.1 |
SoX | Secrets of Xen'Drik | 希恩德瑞克的秘辛 06.7 |
FoE | Faiths of Eberron | 艾伯伦的信仰 06.9 |
Dragonmarked | Dragonmarked | 龙纹之书 06.11 |
SoS | Secrets of Sarlona | 索隆娜的秘辛 07.2 |
FoW | Forge of War | 战争熔炉 07.6 |
DoE | Dragons of Eberron | 艾伯伦的巨龙 07.11 |
CoS | City of Stormreach | 风暴湾之城 08.2 |